1:1 Skills Training, Team Skills Training, Speaking, Coaching for Life After Your Sport
Learn the skills needed to reach your athletic goals. Get motivated by booking Erica Curry to speak. Make a seamless transition from your sports career to the working world.

1:1 COACHING (50 minute sessions)
One on one coaching is a personalized and powerful tool to learn skills that will help you understand what you value about your sport, identify your personal goals and learn step by step skills to help you reach your athletic goals.
One on one coaching is a series of agreed upon sessions, typically ranging from 3 or more sessions.

Session 1-2:
Assessment. Skills coach and athlete work together to define problem areas, clarify athletic goals and gain an understanding of what makes the sport important to the athlete.

Sessions 2-3:
Skills coach will provide skill recommendation to athlete. Skills coach and athlete work together to create a finalized plan of what skills the athlete will learn and estimate about how many weeks it will take to learn each skill.

Sessions 3+:
The remainder of agreed upon sessions will consist of the athlete learning skills led by the skills coach. Between sessions the athlete will be expected to apply the new skills to their sport to then be discussed at the following session. At the final session, coach and athlete will review the initial plan set out at the start of services and determine if all objectives have been met.
Team Skills Training (50 minute sessions)
This is skills training taught in a group setting. Team skills training is an approach that looks at the skill deficit of an entire team. The team then learns the necessary skills together, as a unit. This approach helps to solidify a goal that the team shares as a whole which builds camaraderie and enhances team connectedness.
Team skills training is a series of agreed upon sessions, typically ranging from 1 or more sessions.

Session 1:
Assessment. Prior to meeting with the entire team your skills coach will meet with your sport’s coach and the team captain(s). This session is used to determine problem areas for the team, values and the main goal for the team that season. Together, all will determine which skills will be most beneficial for team success.

Session 2:
Your skills coach will meet with the entire team to review the assessment with the help of the team captain(s). Revision will include sharing the skill plan with the team and asking for teammate feedback regarding what may be missing. If necessary, skill plan revisions will be made. Lastly, this session includes an exercise to enhance team connectedness and get excited for skills to be learned in the coming weeks.

Session 3+:
Skills training begins! All teammates are expected to attend the agreed upon sessions. During session, your skills coach will facilitate discussion on skills taught. Toward the end of each session the team will plan how they anticipate practicing the new skill throughout the week.

Book Erica Curry to speak on topics concerning mental health and athletics. Erica Curry has spoken on topics such as: motivation, inspiration, effective coping, her athletic experience, well-being, anxiety, depression and more. If there is a specific topic you’d like her to address please book a consultation call to discuss details and booking.
Life After the Last Competition (50 minute sessions)
Erica Curry offers one on one next step and career coaching to athletes at the end of their athletic career. Many athletes struggle to find a sense of purpose and identity after their final competition. Whether your athletic career came to a close naturally or was ended prematurely due to injury, mental health concerns or having to take care of other responsibilities, this is a tough time we all go through at some point. Coaching can help any former athlete find their “why” to help them find their next step and feel at peace with the end of their athletic career.